Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday's Words: The Sooner You Start

The Sooner You Start

Taking action and doing the difficult work are not what get you down. Delaying, procrastinating and avoiding action are what get you down.

The way forward is to do something positive and useful. Do something, and remind yourself for the ten thousandth time what a joy it is to make a difference.

When you know it must be done, and still you don’t do it, your own disappointment in yourself grows with every passing moment. Put a stop to that disappointment by putting yourself into action.

As difficult and complicated as it may be, the task is never as bad as the avoidance of it. Just start, just keep going, and just get it done.

Enjoy the experience of putting your skills to work. Enjoy the sense of purpose that results from making your time count for something.

Drink in the satisfaction of turning what you must do into what you have done. The sooner you start, the better it will feel.

— Ralph Marston