Monday, September 30, 2013

Hold On, We're Going Home Parody

Check out Kris Rosenberg and friends in his latest parody of Drake's "Hold On, We're Going Home" rockin The Ivorys La La Land tee and The Ivorys Lampin tee. These guys are pretty funny. 

Click the image below to watch.

~The Ivorys

Thursday, September 26, 2013

#Hashtag with Fallon & Timberlake

Happy Thursday! I came across this hilarious sketch that Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon did. What would it be like if people used 'Hashtags' in everyday life? Click the photo to watch!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday's Words- 'In Stride'

In Stride

Don’t be too hard on yourself. But don’t be too easy on yourself either.

Push yourself steadily and persistently toward meaningful success and achievement. But don’t beat yourself up when you happen to fall short.

Remember that most things are rarely as good as they seem or as bad as they seem. Take the ups and the downs in stride, without letting them throw you off track.

Act with confidence, but not with arrogance. Live with humility, but not with despair.

Live each day with the very best of expectations. And find positive value in even the most undesirable outcomes.

Keep your focus always on what’s genuinely important. Take a deep, calm breath, and know that by choosing to find real goodness, meaning and fulfillment, you will.

— Ralph Marston

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Ivorys Thank You Sale

To show our appreciation for all the support you have shown us so far this year, we are throwing a Thank You Sale through October 1st.

~The Ivorys

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday's Words- 'Habit of Achievement'

Habit of Achievement

Old, destructive habits can feel very comfortable, at least for the moment. Over time, however, those negative habits can waste an enormous part of your life, or worse.
The good news is that you can build positive, empowering habits that will soon feel just as comfortable and familiar as the old negative ones. It takes effort and commitment, and a little discomfort, yet it is well worth all that.
Instead of habits that waste your time and burden your life, you can choose habits that push you steadily forward. Instead of slowly creating heartache and disappointment, you can be steadfastly creating success and achievement.
 Time can be your enemy or your friend, depending on what you do with each little moment. Make the choice, and put forth the effort, to make each moment count for something positive and meaningful.
Choose a habit that brings you down and replace it with one that lifts you up. Make it your goal to make achievement your default mode.
 Some of the most powerful things you do are the things you do by habit. So choose to direct all that power in a positive, life-enriching direction.

— Ralph Marston

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Kanye West- 'Bound 2' on Jimmy Fallon

Any one check out Kanye West ft. Charlie Wilson and The Roots on Jimmy Fallon the other night? The suprise performance was pretty good. In case you missed it click on the image below.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee

So a few of our all time favorite shows would have include Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm, so upon the discovery of Jerry Seinfeld's web series called, Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee I couldn't help but want to check it out. Check out the latest episode of Comedians in Cars with none other than Chris Rock. Enjoy.