Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Friday, October 18, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
Instagram Photo Friday
We haven't done one of these in quite a while but wanted to post an Instragram pic from the 'Legends of the Summer Tour' at the Rose bowl this past July. The music was great and everyone was having an amazing time.
Btw, The Ivorys now has its own Instagram! Follow us on Instragram at 'THEIVORYS'
~The Ivorys
Btw, The Ivorys now has its own Instagram! Follow us on Instragram at 'THEIVORYS'
~The Ivorys
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Kanye West on Jimmy Kimmel Live Part 6
Love him or not, Kanye West always speaks his mind. Check out part 6 of his interview on Jimmy Kimmel. He hit some nails on the head and made some excellent points.
~The Ivorys
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Wednesday's Words- 'Richer and Richer'
Richer and richer
The way to be rich is to realize how rich you are. The way to be rich is to express and to live the unique abundance that is yours.
It’s not what you get that makes you rich. It’s what you do with all you have.
The way to be truly rich is to make good, meaningful use of what you have. The way to be exceptionally rich is to be generous with all that you are.
The abundance of the universe is literally everywhere. What transforms that abundance into real richness is your choice to make purposeful, loving use of it.
Each day is overflowing with possibilities for new richness. See the best possibilities, act on them, and find true delight in making life richer and richer.
Make joyful use of each moment, and sincerely give the best of who you are. Live a life that is rich indeed.
— Ralph Marston
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Thursday, October 3, 2013
The Ivorys: Whatever It Takes
A while back The Ivorys did a video for our 'Whatever It Takes' tee. If you never had the chance to check it out, click the image below to watch.
~ The Ivorys
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Wednesday's Words- 'Often Enough'
Often Enough
Persistence is really quite simple, and extremely powerful. If you don’t get it right the first time, see it not as a failure but as an opportunity for another more informed and experienced attempt.
The best response to a disappointing result is more effort. Feel the disappointment, let it make you more determined, and then move quickly to a highly effective state of taking action.
Do what must be done, then do it again and again, and again. Even the smallest action can have enormous impact when repeated often enough.
But how can you get back up when you’ve just fallen down? You do it by reminding yourself it’s clearly the best choice, and then making the choice to act in your own best interest.
Persistence is not always easy, yet it’s not particularly complicated either. You’ve made the effort before, so it’s really not such a big deal to go ahead and make it again.
Do that often enough, and your actions take on great power and effectiveness. Do that often enough, and achievement is yours.
— Ralph Marston
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Monday, September 30, 2013
Hold On, We're Going Home Parody
Check out Kris Rosenberg and friends in his latest parody of Drake's "Hold On, We're Going Home" rockin The Ivorys La La Land tee and The Ivorys Lampin tee. These guys are pretty funny.
Click the image below to watch.
~The Ivorys
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Thursday, September 26, 2013
#Hashtag with Fallon & Timberlake
Happy Thursday! I came across this hilarious sketch that Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon did. What would it be like if people used 'Hashtags' in everyday life? Click the photo to watch!
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Wednesday's Words- 'In Stride'
In Stride
Don’t be too hard on yourself. But don’t be too easy on yourself either.
Push yourself steadily and persistently toward meaningful success and achievement. But don’t beat yourself up when you happen to fall short.
Remember that most things are rarely as good as they seem or as bad as they seem. Take the ups and the downs in stride, without letting them throw you off track.
Act with confidence, but not with arrogance. Live with humility, but not with despair.
Live each day with the very best of expectations. And find positive value in even the most undesirable outcomes.
Keep your focus always on what’s genuinely important. Take a deep, calm breath, and know that by choosing to find real goodness, meaning and fulfillment, you will.
— Ralph Marston
— Ralph Marston
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The Ivorys Thank You Sale
To show our appreciation for all the support you have shown us so far this year, we are throwing a Thank You Sale through October 1st.
~The Ivorys
~The Ivorys
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Wednesday's Words- 'Habit of Achievement'
Habit of Achievement
Old, destructive habits can feel very comfortable, at least for the moment. Over time, however, those negative habits can waste an enormous part of your life, or worse.
The good news is that you can build positive, empowering habits that will soon feel just as comfortable and familiar as the old negative ones. It takes effort and commitment, and a little discomfort, yet it is well worth all that.
Instead of habits that waste your time and burden your life, you can choose habits that push you steadily forward. Instead of slowly creating heartache and disappointment, you can be steadfastly creating success and achievement.
Time can be your enemy or your friend, depending on what you do with each little moment. Make the choice, and put forth the effort, to make each moment count for something positive and meaningful.
Choose a habit that brings you down and replace it with one that lifts you up. Make it your goal to make achievement your default mode.
Some of the most powerful things you do are the things you do by habit. So choose to direct all that power in a positive, life-enriching direction.
— Ralph Marston
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Kanye West- 'Bound 2' on Jimmy Fallon
Any one check out Kanye West ft. Charlie Wilson and The Roots on Jimmy Fallon the other night? The suprise performance was pretty good. In case you missed it click on the image below.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee
So a few of our all time favorite shows would have include Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm, so upon the discovery of Jerry Seinfeld's web series called, Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee I couldn't help but want to check it out. Check out the latest episode of Comedians in Cars with none other than Chris Rock. Enjoy.
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Thursday, August 22, 2013
How will you beat yesterday?
Love the latest Nike ad out right now.
What are you doing today to beat yesterday?
What are you doing today to beat yesterday?
We're all capable of a little more -- a little faster, a little higher, a little stronger, a little more. And when we look at all of the little things we've done, we'll see the big things we're doing. - Nike
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Wednesday's Words- 'Uncover the Richness'
Uncover the Richness
Your life is inherently rich on many levels, and yet your own negative thoughts and feelings can cover up that richness. The more negativity you let go of, the more goodness you allow into your experience of life.
Let go of your need to judge, your habit of fear, and your desire to take offense, and uncover the richness. Choose to forgive, to act with courage, and to understand, and feel that richness as it fills your life.
Stop struggling to justify and express your negative impulses. Instead, enjoy floating freely and peacefully in your own sense of goodness.
Delight in your own richness by giving of it to your world. Experience the extent of your good fortune by living it with love and generosity.
Instead of obsessing over the moment’s shortcomings, celebrate life’s richness. Look beyond your minor concerns and see your major positive possibilities.
The immense richness of your life is always within your reach. Let go of the little negative things and experience that richness in big and wonderful ways.
— Ralph Marston
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Wednesday's Words- 'Live What Matters'
Live What Matters
Find a way today to do something that truly fulfills you. You have unique dreams, desires and values, so live them.
It’s not selfish to listen to yourself. In fact, what’s truly selfish is to keep your highest desires hidden and unfulfilled.
There is a way, right now, to live some aspect of your life in the best way you can imagine. Imagine it, feel it, and do it, now.
Give respect to what matters. You owe it to life to be your best, so do what makes you feel your best.
Pay attention to what’s practical and sensible, but pay more attention to what’s meaningful. Be reasonable while also being fully alive and true to your purpose.
You are here on this beautiful day, so enjoy the beauty in your own special way. Live what matters, now and always.
— Ralph Marston
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Food for Thought
While browsing on Instagram came across this little gem. A great daily reminder.
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Monday, August 12, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Kris Rosenberg's 'Worse Girlfriend'
Check out Kris Rosenberg rockin The Ivorys 'Weapons of Choice' tee in his latest hilarious video 'Worst Girlfriend'
'The Watsons Go to Birmingham'
We are thrilled for our fam, Harrison Knight and his upcoming film 'The Watsons Go to Birmingham' based on the 1963 book by Christopher Paul Curtis. Film premieres September 20, 2013.
According to the films IMDB, heres a snippet of what the film is about:
According to the films IMDB, heres a snippet of what the film is about:
Set in the Summer of 1963, Flint, Michigan is home to the Watsons, a close knit "All American Family" made up of Daniel and Wilona Watson, (Harris and Rose) and their three kids, 15 year-old juvenile delinquent Byron (Knight), nerdy 11 year-old Kenny (Jenkins) and eight year-old adorable sister Joetta (Jackson). When Byron's antics go over the top, his parents realize enough is enough and they decide the family needs a dose of Grandma Sands (Richardson) no nonsense approach in Birmingham, Alabama. So the Watsons load up the 1948 Plymouth Brown Bomber outfitted with a true tone Ultra-Glide turntable and head South with plenty of comedy en route. When they finally make it to Birmingham, they meet Grandma Sands and her friend, Mr. Robert (Grier), who show them around town and the Watsons discover that life is very different there than in Flint - and not necessarily for the better. During that historic summer, the Watsons find themselves caught up in something far bigger than Byron's antics. Something that will change their lives and country forever.
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Monday, July 29, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
Music Monday- Rapsody 'Dark Knight'
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Los Angeles, CA, USA
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Wednesday's Words- 'The Choice to Enjoy'
The Choice to Enjoy
This day is unique in all of history, and you are here to live it. Enjoy every moment.
Stop looking for reasons to complain or worry, and start seeing the possibilities that are everywhere. Make the choice to enjoy who you are, where you are, as you are, and the best of those possibilities will open up to you.
Instead of looking for reasons to judge, look for things to enjoy. Decide to focus on the beauty that exists in every moment, in every place.
You already know how much more effective you are when you’re enjoying yourself. So it makes perfect sense to make the choice, right now, to enjoy.
Yes, there are all sorts of tragedies and injustices, inconveniences and frustrations in this world. Yet the most effective way to make the world a better place is to be a better you, and that comes from truly enjoying yourself.
Make the choice to enjoy your experience of life on this day. And you’ll be making the choice to significantly improve all of life with your attitude and your efforts.
— Ralph Marston
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
"I Am a God"- Official Parody
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Kris is at it again. Check out his latest parody of Kanye's 'I Am a God'.
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Monday, July 8, 2013
Music Monday- GQ 'The Town'
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Los Angeles, CA, USA
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Wednesday's Words
Your Powerful Thoughts
Your thoughts have great power to influence the way you are. Make sure you get that power working for you, not against you.— Ralph Marston
Use the power of your thoughts not to merely find an excuse, but to find a way. Focus the power of your thoughts not on worry or dismay, but rather on love and creativity.
Use your immensely powerful thoughts not to hide away from life’s best possibilities. Instead, use your thoughts to achieve great things.
Whatever you most consistently think you are, is what you surely become. Think positively, think compassionately, think joyfully, and become the best you can be.
Each moment is an opportunity for you to point your thoughts in a direction that will benefit your life and the lives of those around you. Each thought is a choice you make regarding the direction of your life.
Now is when you can think the most positive, meaningful, creative, loving and joyful thoughts you can imagine. Now is when your thoughts can lead you to make life more beautiful and fulfilling than ever.
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Monday, June 24, 2013
Music Monday- Disclosure 'Latch'
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Los Angeles, CA, USA
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
The Ivorys at Unique LA Summer Show
The Ivorys will be apart of the Unique LA Summer show July 13 +14 at Barker Hangar in Santa Monica. Should be a great time with good eats, good shopping and good music.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Wednesday's Words- 'Make Life Truly Good'
Make Life Truly Good
The best opportunities are opportunities to be of service. When someone can benefit from your assistance, your expertise, your time, attention and skills, that’s golden.
The way to make a friend, the way to make a living, the way to make a good impression, the way to make a fortune, is to make a difference. When you’re committed to making a difference, to being of service, you’re on the path to greatness.
Be of genuine service, again and again, and the world takes notice. Make it your goal to add real value to life, and you’ll live a life that’s rich and fulfilling.Sure, some people will seek to take advantage of you. Yet you can let that be their problem, not yours.
Give great value, and you will live great value. Let go of the fantasy that you can cheat life, because all you end up doing is cheating yourself.
When times are good, when times are tough, when there’s joy or when there’s disappointment, whatever the situation may be, choose to be of service. Make life truly good by making it good for others.
— Ralph Marston
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Friday, May 31, 2013
Recently saw a link/review to the short film entilted 'Jonah' by Kibwe Tavares and found it extremely visually intriguing with a great story line and message. See below for short description of the film and enjoy!
Mbwana and his best friend Juma are two young men with big dreams. These dreams become reality when they photograph a gigantic fish leaping out of the sea and their small town blossoms into a tourist hot-spot as a result. But for Mbwana, the reality isn't what he dreamed – and when he meets the fish again, both of them forgotten, ruined and old, he decides only one of them can survive. Jonah is a big fish story about the old and the new, and the links and the distances between them. A visual feast, shot though with humour and warmth, it tells an old story in a completely new way.
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Wednesday's Words- 'Being Positive'
Being positive
You cannot instantly change the situation by being positive about it. What you can instantly change is your perspective, and that will give you an enormous advantage.
Even when there’s no good justification for being positive, be positive. Because it is always far superior to the alternative, and gives you maximum power and effectiveness.
Being positive is a choice you can make that will connect you to the best possibilities. Being positive forces you to also be positively creative.
When things are difficult, do you really want to make them even more difficult by being negative? Choose instead to realistically see the situation for what it is, and then to be positive about moving forward from it.
Eventually, somebody is going to change things for the better, and it might as well be you. Think and see and do from a positive perspective and create good, meaningful value.
By being positive you are being powerful, useful, thankful, compassionate, sincere and highly effective. Make the choice to be positive, and truly make the world a better place.
— Ralph Marston
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
'No New Friends' Parody
We have gotten to know Kris Rosenberg and his hilarious sketches. Check out Kris in his 'No New Friends' parody rockin The Ivorys 'One of One' tee.
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Monday, May 20, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Wednesday's Words
Improved attitude
No matter how good and positive your attitude may be, you can improve it. And when you improve your attitude, your attitude improves you.
To improve your attitude, you don’t have to deny reality. When you improve your attitude, it doesn’t mean things will be perfect.
What it means is that you’ll be more positive, more effective, and more solidly focused on the best possibilities. What it means is that you’ll live and act from a position of strength.
With an improved attitude, you can still clearly see all the problems. Yet instead of living in fear of them, you’ll choose to be bigger than those problems.
Right now, there’s a certain way you feel about life, and a certain way you expect life to be. Just think of what could happen if you made the choice to raise those expectations.
Whether you have a great attitude or a lousy one, decide today to improve it. For where your attitude goes, your life will quickly follow.
— Ralph Marston
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Unique LA Spring Show Recap
Thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth this past weekend at Unique LA to show some love. We dropped some new merch, had a great time meeting new folks and enjoyed being able to share The Ivorys.
New merch will be available later this week.
New merch will be available later this week.
Check out a few photos from the weekend and a couple Vine vids we had fun with.
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New 'La La Land' Tee |
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New Lampin' Tank |
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New 'It Was All So Simple Then' Tee |
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New 'Love Hard' Tank |
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The lovely folks at Donut Snob were our neighbors for this years Spring show. They definitely had some yummy donuts. Check out The Ivorys 'La La Land' tee. |
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Monday, May 13, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
The Ivorys Will Be @ Unique LA
May 11 + 12 The Ivorys will be back for another year at the Spring Unique LA show. We are very excited to have the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful event once again filled with creative independent designers. Attendees will receive a free tote, a chance to take some pics at the Oh Snap! photo booth and free drinks while you browse, so save the date and join us at the spring show.
Date: Saturday and Sunday, May 11 + 12
Location: California Market Center in DTLA
Time: 11am-6pm both days
Cost: $10 at the door or reserve online here
Date: Saturday and Sunday, May 11 + 12
Location: California Market Center in DTLA
Time: 11am-6pm both days
Cost: $10 at the door or reserve online here
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
International Pillow Fight Day 2013
This past weekend I headed downtown to photograph International Pillow Fight Day at Pershing Square. The 2011 Pillow Fight Day had a huge turn out but this year's was on a much smaller scale, possibly due to it not taking place last year and many people unaware of it happening this year. Non-the-less is was still a fun day and fun to shoot. Check out the short photo essay below.
Los Angeles, CA, USA
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